Snowy Week 29

Yikes, I’m late with the post again!  We haven’t had any visitors so I have no excuses except that I’ve been busy with work and getting ready for the holidays.  This week the Twin Cities got their first major snow storm.  Of course, it occurred overnight and during rush hour.  I was feeling extra anxious about driving to work so Andrew graciously drove me.  It took us nearly an hour and a half to get to my school.  On the way we dodged several cars stuck in the ice/snow, a city bus in the ditch, and some crazy drivers.  I was so thankful that he was the one driving!  My coworker drove me home that evening.  I haven’t needed a ride since then so maybe my confidence is building!

Andrew and I also went on a major Target shopping spree this week.  We had several substantial coupons and discounts so we decided to stock up on essential items as well as buy any remaining baby items that we still needed.  A couple hours and four carts later, we had completed our shopping.  We filled our SUV to the brim and saved over $700 off our total!  Here’s a picture of the back of our SUV with the receipt from our shopping  trip.

This week we also started our birthing class at the hospital.  We have a great instructor and learned a lot about what to expect during the different stages of labor.  The instructor has been helpful in providing information about insurance coverage, finding a pediatrician, and knowing exactly when to come to the hospital if you’re in labor.

Here’s the baby bump photo for the week:

Resize week 29

Here’s what Baby Jones is up to this week: 

  • Baby is growing and growing!  He’s around 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 pounds and could triple his weight by the time he is born.
  • He is active all the time, especially after I eat and in the evenings.  Baby gets more active when Andrew talks to him and when he hears music.
  • Baby’s head is growing larger as it makes room for his developing brain.

Here’s what is happening with me this week: 


  • The fatigue has returned!  I often come home from work, cook dinner, eat, and lay down.  Andrew has had extra time to play video games and watch sports lately, but things around the house (cleaning, laundry) have been sacrificed for extra sleep.
  • I’m slowing down more.  I usually am a fast walker, but I have to ask my students to slow down in the halls at school now.

Food Aversions

  • Chicken
  • Almonds
  • Cereal

Food Cravings

  • Pringles!
  • Blueberry muffin from Starbucks


  • Sleeping has been easy for me lately!  I typically wake up around 2 or 3 am with a lot on my mind. The topic of late has been the increasing stress of going on maternity leave.

Other Updates

  • I passed my glucose test!  🙂
  • Andrew and I have breast feeding class next week.  We are both very hopeful that I will be able to breast feed as it’s so helpful to the baby and me.  Of course, Andrew is thrilled about how much money we’ll save if we don’t have to buy formula!
  • We have our 30 week appointment with our midwife next week.

Here’s another photo of the baby bump! 

2 thoughts on “Snowy Week 29

  1. You look so beautiful! I can’t wait to feel baby Jones at play. Time is going quickly and soon we’ll meet our precious little one. We are truly blessed and reminded of the miracle of life.

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